ForeverLawn® Fusion


The latest revolutionary breakthrough from ForeverLawn® is Fusion™ synthetic grass, featuring our new, exclusive Legacy Fiber™ yarn. Years of research and development have resulted in a product that is superior in appearance and durability. It truly represents the pinnacle of artificial grass for high-traffic areas.

With its technologically advanced blades, Fusion solves the challenge of intense heat that can damage other synthetic grass products. It has the ability to withstand extreme heat, such as the reflected heat generated by low-E windows. While typical synthetic grass products will show degradation in these high-temperature situations, the ForeverLawn Legacy Fiber™ yarn will not fail. This incredible heat resistance makes Fusion the ideal solution for rooftops and beside glass buildings where heat damage from low-E windows is a concern.

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Where to Use Artificial Grass by ForeverLawn Landscape

We take our superior product ForeverLawn Fusion and turn it into a superior solution with professional installation techniques. Low-E or Energy Effiecient windows can burn and singe turf by reflecting light onto Artificial Grass. ForeverLawn Fusion is the only solution for that! Contact us to request a consultation!